Friday, June 20, 2008

12 Week Ultrasound Pictures

We went to the doctor today and had the early screen test done. All of the baby's measurements were normal. There is no sign of down syndrome. They also took some blood but I'm sure that will come back fine as well.

Now on to the fun stuff! Mitch and my mom went with me for the ultrasound today. My mom couldn't wait to see her first grandchild. I think she had a really good time. Mitch managed to make it through with out crying happy tears. The baby flipped over, waved, kicked their legs, and had the hiccups while we were watching. They even tried to get a peek to see if we are having a boy or girl but the baby was shy and didn't help us out at all! I'm posting 2 pictures from the ultrasound. The first one the baby looks like and alien. It's a shot looking right into the baby's face. The second picture is a profile shot where you can see the baby's nose and little lips so clearly. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Doctor visit #2

Well that is if you don't count all the times I went because I was so sick.

Went to the doctor yesterday. They took my weight and I have lost weight but they say I'm still in the ok range. The only thing we were in for yesterday was to listen to the baby's heart beat. Our little blessing played the role of troublemaker and was hiding from Dr. Jones when he tried to find the heart beat. After a good 5 or 6 minutes he finally located it and it came through clear, steady, and strong. We were amazed by the wonderful sound. It made the whole thing so real again for us.

We go back in on Friday to have an early screen for down syndrome done. It's nothing to worry about but since it runs in our family we decided better safe than sorry. The test is able to catch 90-95% of down syndrome cases in the first trimester. It consists of an ultra sound and some blood work. We are very excited about getting to see our little one at 12 weeks 2 days old. I can only imagine how much he/she has grown since we saw them at 6 weeks. I hope to get pictures to post for all of you to see the baby too.

Friday, June 13, 2008

More of the same

It's been over a month since I have posted. Nothing really new has been going on here. I have now been in the hospital 2 times for fluids. I have still been pretty sick and it's not showing any signs of letting up just yet. The baby is 11 weeks and 2 days old today. I'm going back to the doctor on Monday June 16th to get an update on how the baby is doing. So far so good I hope! I'll keep you posted.