Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Girl Bath Tub

My mom gave Mia a bath in the regular bath tub this week so I decided it was time to break out the big girl bath tub. Mia had a blast. She loved to play with her toys while sitting up like a big girl in her very own duck tub. Mitch snapped some pictures while I gave her a bath.

Father's Day 2009

6 Month Pictures

Here are Mia's 6 month pictures. As you look at them there are 2 things about Mia you should know. First she is fascinated by a camera and watches it very intently, second she is a very serious baby.

Friday, June 26, 2009


We love to hear our little angel laugh. She still hasn't come out with a real belly laugh yet but she giggles all the time. Tonight she woke up and was wide awake! We decided to bring her into our room for a while until she was ready to go back to sleep. We laid her on the bed between us and Mitch started playing with her. He was putting a pillow in her face and she just giggled over and over. Here is the little bit I was able to capture before she realized I had the camera and started staring at it.

Morning Play Time

Mia's Fort

Mia is quickly becoming independent. Now that she can sit up by herself she wants to sit straight up all the time. Since we have hardwood floors and tile downstairs we always had to put her on a quilt to play on the floor. Mitch has become quite creative when he's home with her in the afternoons. He has built Mia a fort so to speak. She really seems to enjoy playing in it. This weekend we are going to take the baby part of the pack and play out so we can start using that instead of finding every pillow we have in the house!