Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Very Special Outfit

Several months ago I posted about the history of Pink in my family. My mom saved my pink dress that I came home from the hospital in and she saved a pink sweater that my Mama bought for her when she was pregnant with my brother and it never fit me. I was very hopeful that it wouldn't be too cold when Mia came home for her to wear the dress. Well let me tell you it was 80 degrees when I went into the hospital and 60 degrees when I got out! I was lucky enough that Mia was able to wear the dress and sweater home. Here are the pictures of her in her special outfit.

Mia in her mommy dress. This dress is 28 years old.

Mia with her sweater on over her dress.
The sweater is 32 years old and was never worn before this day.

Mia's First Christmas

As all of you know we received an early Christmas gift in our house this year. Our beautiful baby girl was born 6 days before Christmas. Naturally we didn't go out and celebrate like we normally would but we stayed in with Mia and enjoyed our first Christmas as a family. Here are a few pictures of her first Christmas.

Mia sitting next to her stocking stuffed with gifts from Santa (granny!)

As you can see she was very interested in what Santa brought her ;-)

Close up of her name on her stocking that her Granny made for her

One more with her stocking

Mia with her very first gift ever from Santa

It was 2 rattles to hang from her car seat or stroller. Cool!

Wow another gift.......

More cute toys to hang on my car seat or stroller

I think she was just too tired to keep going LOL

Little clips for my little bit of hair

Little bows for my little bit of hair too

Mitts to help Mia not scratch her face

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Melt my Heart

This picture was taken Sunday night while we were still in the hospital by Mitch's friend Denise. It just made my heart melt when I saw it and so far I think it is my favorite picture of our beautiful baby!

Keep your eyes peeled! Pictures of Mia's first Christmas to come.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mia Abigail 12/19/08

Friday December 19, 2008 started out like any other normal day. I was off work so I slept in a little bit but by 10am it was clear that this day would be one of the most amazing in my life. I thought I may be in labor so I called the doctor who said come in and let us see you and I called Mitch and said this may be it come home now! Sure enough off to the hospital we went expecting our little girl. Everything was moving along just fine and believe it or not labor was tolerable but boy am I glad someone invented the epidural! What a relief! Then around 4pm things took a very scary turn. Mia's heart rate dropped into the 70's and the doctor and nurse did everything they could to try to make it go back up but it wasn't going to happen. I was in the OR in about 2 minutes and Mia arrived about 5 minutes after that perfect and healthy. She was born at 4:17pm weighing 5lbs 12.5 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. What a relief to finally meet our beautiful, perfect blessing!

Here are some pictures of the days events for you.

Contractions are no fun what so ever!

Introducing Mia Abigail

First family picture, taken in the OR.

The new grandparents admiring Mia

Shhhh little girl don't cry.

She sucks on her 2 fingers just like her mommy did
Quick check up by the nurse

Close up of a beautiful face (notice the hand it's in her face just like in all of her sonogram pictures)
Mommy and Mia waiting to go home!

Mia Abigail, the BEST Christmas gift ever!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I was tagged by Nicki to play along.

The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)

I don't follow many blogs and Nicki tagged everyone I know so I'm just going to post and explain my picture ;-)

This picture was taken March 1st 2008 at my friend Christy's wedding. It was held in a pavilion on the beach in Fort Desoto Florida. It was taken just before the ceremony started and she pulled up in a red Ford Mustang Cobra with her dad.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

37 Weeks

Well, I have reached 37 weeks and things are starting to happen. Dr Greenberg says I am making excellent progress. More so than some of his patients that are farther along than me. I was so happy to hear that! I'm very glad our bags are packed and waiting to be put in the car when it's time to go. Now I just have to try not to analyze every little pain and time it LOL! I'll keep you posted with any updates as the days pass by.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Belly at 36 Weeks 4 days

Here is a quick update on the growing baby belly. I'm 36 weeks and 4 days and I feel like I can't get any bigger. Time is passing pretty quickly but I am ready for Mia to be here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

36 Weeks

Today was D-day! I am 36 weeks along and if I go into labor the doctor has said they will not stop it. YAY! Now we just need to get Mia to cooperate. I went to see Dr Greenburg today. My blood pressure was a little high but he wasn't concerned and said we would watch it again next week to make sure it goes back down. Maybe I just had a bad day. Mia is still right on schedule with a good strong heart beat and moving around like crazy. I have ben exhausted the past few days and look forward to her arrival so I can at least get some rest at night, however little rest that may be. Things are looking pretty good for now.