Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mia's First Christmas

As all of you know we received an early Christmas gift in our house this year. Our beautiful baby girl was born 6 days before Christmas. Naturally we didn't go out and celebrate like we normally would but we stayed in with Mia and enjoyed our first Christmas as a family. Here are a few pictures of her first Christmas.

Mia sitting next to her stocking stuffed with gifts from Santa (granny!)

As you can see she was very interested in what Santa brought her ;-)

Close up of her name on her stocking that her Granny made for her

One more with her stocking

Mia with her very first gift ever from Santa

It was 2 rattles to hang from her car seat or stroller. Cool!

Wow another gift.......

More cute toys to hang on my car seat or stroller

I think she was just too tired to keep going LOL

Little clips for my little bit of hair

Little bows for my little bit of hair too

Mitts to help Mia not scratch her face