Friday, August 7, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Many of you know my mom has a very spirited dog named Sassy. She is the most loving dog in the world but slightly hyper. She just can't control herself when she is happy. I admit I was worried about how Sassy would react to Mia. At first she would go insane every time we brought Mia to the house. Over time she has calmed down and now Mia is just another person who belongs in her world. Sassy has patience beyond belief where Mia is concerned. She lets Mia pull, grab, or pinch her and she just sits there. We don't let Mia do these things but you know babies they do things before you can stop them sometimes. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Mia and Sassy. There is also a video at the end of Mia and Sassy.