Friday, May 29, 2009

Not a Baby Anymore!

I know Mia is only 5 months old but she is not a little baby any more. She is able to sit up in a high chair at the dinner table now. She did this for the first time Wednesday night at the Cracker Barrel. I just can't believe how fast she is growing and learning. She is just soaking up knowledge every day!

My Messy Eater

It thrills me to no end to feed Mia her baby food. She loves to eat and is already eating a wide variety of food. My mom even let her suck on a piece of red grapefruit this past week and she loved it. I look forward to introducing new foods to her on a regular basis. So far we have not found anything she won't eat. She may not be too fond of it at first but after a few days she takes to everything. Here are a few of her messy eater pictures.

She is always this happy after she finished eating.
I guess that's why she's such a beautiful chunk!

Talking to Momaw on the Phone

My grandmother talks to Mia daily on the phone.

Here is a quick glimpse of Mia talking to you Momaw.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 Months

Let me start off this post stating that on her 5 month birthday Mia was in an awful mood all day. Granny had a tough time taking pictures of her and I didn't get a chance to take any after work because she stayed in a bad mood. Granny did get a couple of cute ones. Maybe we will have better luck on her 6 month birthday.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sitting Up

Mia sat up alone for the first time today. She is still really shaky some times but over all she is doing great. I was so glad to be home to witness this one of many firsts in her life.

It looks like Mitch was holding her up but he wasn't

I let go really quick afraid she would fall

Most of the time she starts out leaning over really far like this
Then she is able to get herself more upright

She really loves her little frog carrier toy

She started to wobble

She kept looking at Mitch like "what are you looking at?"

She tipped over a few time. I felt like I was playing catch

Yummy puppy

This is her shocked expression

Next I'm sure she will be wanting to stand all the time

Such a sweet girl

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mother's Day

First of all please let me say I'm sorry about being behind in my blogging. Things have been very hectic lately so I'm just now trying the catch up. 5 month pictures are coming soon!

As you can imagine I was very excited about my first Mother's Day. It was a wonderful day. Mia and I had pictures taken the day before of just the 2 of us. I am so pleased with the way they turned out.

Mia and Mommy
I love the look on her face here

Mia Loves to be lifted up in the air like she is flying
I wish you could have seen her face at this moment

My Heart, My Soul, My Life is this little Angel

I love this picture because it looks so casual

This picture has a world of meaning
Mia was brought into this world by 2 people who love each other and her more than anything

This picture is so special
I have a passion for reading that I hope Mia develops
This is her favorite book, she talks non stop when we get it out to read

Getting Better Every Day

Mia is getting better with her hands every day. She is able to hold her bottle better now. For the first time this morning she fed herself over half her bottle. I only thought to go grab the camera at the end though. I apologize for the poor video quality but it was quite dark in her room since it was only 6:30am.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Big Girl

After Mia had her cereal tonight I gave her, her bottle. Imagine my surprise when I realized I wasn't holding the bottle anymore. She's such a big girl now!


Mia tasted apples for the first time on Sunday. She does not think to highly of them at all. She all but refuses to eat them. Mitch shot a video of her first taste.