Tuesday, September 9, 2008

24 Weeks and Counting

It was not long ago that I was impressed that I was 16 weeks pregnant. Now I look at the calendar and I'm impressed that I only have 16 weeks left before our precious gift is due to arrive. I am amazed daily at her growth that I can see and the new things that she does. I am so thankful she is ours to love and take care of.

I went to see Dr Greenburg today. I had my glucose screening done. Can you say yuck! It does taste like flat orange soda but it also burned all the way down and for about 10 minutes after I was done drinking it. They should have the results back tomorrow. They will call if my levels were too high. No news is good news. I don't expect to have any issues but you can never tell.

We are getting down to crunch time for Mia's room. I promised myself I would have all I was going to do done by October. I want to have it completed early so we don't have to focus on it last minute. My mom bought us some of the wall decals we are going to use as a border for her room. I can't wait to get started putting them up. (I promise again not to climb on anything mom.) That's about all that's happening for us right now.


Beverly said...

Hey thanks for not climbing on anythng. Need me to help, just call. Mom