Saturday, June 20, 2009

6 Months

Mia is 6 months old now. Time is going by so fast. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital and she changed our lives for the better! We had her 6 month pictures taken today. We used a new photographer and I'm really excited to see the proofs. Mia is sitting up unsupported. Of course now that she knows she can sit up she thinks she is supposed to sit up ALL the time. She is eating solid foods (well as solid as baby food can be.) She pretty much loves all her food but I think so far her favorites are carrots and bananas. She also loves to spit her food back out at us now. More often than not I end up wearing at least some of her dinner. She rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time today. Very exciting. Last but not least we have managed to successfully switch her from Similac Alimentum to Similac Sensitive formula. She is learning and growing so fast. I look forward to getting out of bed every day to see what she will learn and do next. Here is her day in pictures!

She started out all smiles on our way to Granny's

More giggles

Time to eat

Granny bought her a remote of her own so she would stop changing the TV channels

Wow, what happened?

Jump, Jump, Jumparoo

She didn't look to happy Granny was bothering her during play time with her new toy

She had a blast with this thing

Another new toy. Wow Granny, Thanks!


Time to relax

Almost bed time

A little more fun before bed


theglenns556 said...

That similac switch should save you some serious $$. That is like a raise! yay