Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9 Months

Mia is 9 months old. I have a very hard time believing that in 3 short months my baby girl will be 1. The time goes faster with each passing day. She has learned so many things in the past month. She can crawl, pull up on anything and everything, drink from a straw, and say mama. She gets braver every day and thinks nothing of holding on with just one hand when standing up. She even gets so brave as to let got for a few seconds and is able to hold her balance then boom, bottom on the floor. We have bumps and bruises and tears when she falls but, we love every minute of it. Our living room and dining room are her play ground. You'd never know we have a baby living here ha ha! She only takes a bottle at night now. The rest of the time it's a sippy cup. I wondered how hard it would be to break her of a bottle, not that hard I guess. She's over it at 9 months. Her smile melts my heart every time. We are so blessed!


theglenns556 said...

Very proud of her for taking a sippy cup already. Jonah did not do well with that. We had to do bottle boot camp 3 days after he turned 1 and just went cold turkey and took it away. Yay Mia! She just gets cuter every day! (who knew that was possible?) I can't wait to play with her!