Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mia's First Admirer

Mia went to her 1st birthday party on Saturday. An old friend of Mitch's daughter Jaiden was turning two. The party was outside and it was HOT. Jaiden was opening her gifts so I sat down on the ground with Mia so she could watch. That's when another old friend of Mitch's son Jake came walking up. Jake is 19 months old. The last time we saw him he was only 10 months old and Mia was on the way but not here yet. Jake was fascinated with Mia. He stood there and talked and talked to her like she could understand everything he was telling her. Mia however was more impressed with the ball that kept rolling by. All in all it was a very cute scene and Mitch said in 50 years Mia could date Jake if she wanted to LOL!