Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some pain and a great happiness

Some Pain:
I woke up this morning with an awful pain in the right side of my abdomen. It lasted for 2 solid hours and hurt so bad I couldn't sit still, stand up, or lay down. I was in a mess. So it finally went away at about 6am. I called the doctor and they told me to come in so they could check me out. Mom and I sat in the doctors office for 4 hours to be told they didn't find anything. Sometimes you just have pain and they don't know why or so they said. I'm feeling better now just really tired from the lack of sleep last night.

A Great Happiness:
While at the doctor they decided to do an ultrasound to check my kidneys, gal bladder, and the baby. The lady searched all around and looked at everything. Then our precious little one appeared on the screen. She didn't do a detailed screen of the baby because I'll have another ultrasound on August 12th but she did take a quick peek long enough to tell us.................We are having a GIRL! A precious baby girl to be named Mia Abigail. We are so blessed with this little miracle and we can't wait to meet her. I'll post her most recent profile picture later tonight.