Wednesday, July 2, 2008

14 Weeks

I am 14 weeks today! This may not seem like such a milestone to anyone but me, but trust me it is! The past 7-8 weeks have been very hard on me and Mitch (and my mom who has been more than any girl could ask for in a soon to be grandma). I have been feeling so poorly Mitch probably feels like he has been confined to a jail taking care of me. He has been the perfect husband getting me whatever I need even if we didn't have it in the house. Taking care of me at all hours of the day and night when I would be so sick I could hardly move. Though I cried, whined, and told him I was dying he never let me forget that it will get better. I am happy to say I think we may have reached that point. The past 2 days I have felt pretty good. I've hardly had any nausea and I have been able to eat pretty regularly. Maybe my second trimester really is going to be the bright spot in my pregnancy. We don't go back to see the Doctor again until July 17th. Until then we sit and wait while our little one grows~


theglenns556 said...

YAY for you! I was definitely into my 2nd trimester when the all day sickness went away. Maybe you are leaving that behind! Uggghhh...I really feel for you! Will they take a gender peek at the the next visit or do you have to wait until 20 weeks?